
Monday, December 2, 2013

Repurposed Cabinet Door signs

Oh Joy!
It's December and I feel swamped.
Staying focused on the "joys" of the season can be a challenge 
at times with all the "stuff" that I want to get done in this month.
I made this sign a few months back in anticipation of what word 
I would need to remember the most this Christmas.
It is out of a re-purposed kitchen cabinet door from house #2.
 We took off all our cabinet doors and replaced them.
I have kept these door fronts for various projects and gifts over the years--
{does that make me a hoarder?}
they make great chalkboards and signs.
I like to freehand my signs and then distress them.
Painted white and roughed up with sandpaper.
Adds a nice vintage touch and the message makes me stop and smile.
Getting ready slowly for the holidays...
sharing with:
Inspired Sunday at Sunday View 
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
The Scoop Party at Cedar Hill Ranch  


  1. so sweet, aimee! we are working on changing up our kitchen and i have a few unused doors now--great inspiration!

  2. I have old cabinet doors stuff under beds, lol, waiting for the right project and time! I love what you've done with yours. I also tend to put joy on everything during Christmas, and it occurred to me this morning that I haven't been particularly joyful. I guess we both need that reminder! :-)

  3. What a lovely idea for the Holidays. And no, you're not a hoarder, lol, you're a visionary collector. :) That's what a tell my husband when he complains that the basement is getting packed out.


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