
Monday, November 25, 2013

How to create an upcycled mercury glass centerpiece

Have you looked at the shape of the glass bottles 
you may be throwing away or recycling?
You might consider up-cycling them with Looking Glass Paint.

The bottles pictured above formerly housed 
basalmic vinegar (left) and Louisiana Hot Sauce (right.)
Once you remove the labels and wash clean, their shapes are rather interesting.
I have used Looking Glass Paint on a flat surface, 
but have not tried on any other type of glass.
While it is not a quick process, it is definitely easy.
 Spray a quick burst of paint inside the bottle opening.
You have to let each coat dry before spraying another coat.
 I found that the paint did not stick immediately to the lower part of the bottles,
 and I had to roll the excess paint around on the inside.
Eventually it just about all stuck...
and I drained the excess out the top and applied another coat.
 This is after two coats.
This is the shine after four coats...and I considered it done.
But I wanted to dress them up a little more...
I added a silver seasonal spray to the tall bottle 
and adhered one around the center of the shorter bottle.
(Doesn't my Mr. Lincoln rose look amazing in it?)
I also added a tag out of music paper 
and brown twine for a vintage touch.
All set for the holiday table.
Makes a pretty centerpiece.

What can you make sparkle this holiday?
sharing with:
Inspired Sunday at Sunday View 
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
The Scoop Party at Cedar Hill Ranch  


  1. They are beautiful! I can see them sparkling next to the glow of a Christmas tree! ♥ I love the music paper tag too. Nice touch! : )

  2. Love the red rose with the silver of the bottles.

  3. How pretty ~ yes, your Mr. Lincoln rose is gorgeous! This really looks easy to do and it is a great idea to share. I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Love these. will have to re-think the bottles I throw out when empty.

  5. I don't have time before Christmas, but I am definitely pinning this to my To Do board on Pinterest. I will use them for a Valentine vignette.

    Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. This is a fantastic craft, Aimee! These turned out great. I've got to go to Walmart to get this paint and try it on the bottles I've been saving. I also had pinned another mercury glass tutorial that used vinegar and water to distress the paint: Thanks for sharing with Inspired Sunday!


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