
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

New York holiday adventure

My girls, mom and I were blessed to take a trip to New York over Thanksgiving.
It was such a an amazing week!
New York is certainly full of fun energy during the holidays.

We had a wonderful time.
Who knew you could spend three hours in a Toys-R-Us store?


When its four stories tall and has a ferris wheel,
and a life-sized Tyranasouras Rex inside you do!
T-rex inside of Toys-r-Us
We literally immersed ourselves in the "looking" more than shopping.
Pretty Versace Store Decor
There was so much to see...
Anthropologie Store window
while not all the windows were Christmas ready yet...
and the Rockafeller Center tree was still being decorated..
it did not stop us from becoming  "energized" by all that is New York.

Daughters got their "15 seconds of fame" in Times Square via the American Eagle store.
The highlight of the trip also had to be our visit
to see the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular show.

This famous theater put on an incredible 3-D event
that did not fail to entertain and "wow" and get to the heart of the season!
The Swarski crystal tree hanging inside of Radio City Music Hall lobby!
This show is a must see if  you are visiting New York this holiday season.
View looking out on Times Square at night.
Absolutely amazing. Loved every minute of it!
Famous Christmas Bulbs Display

The Macy's Theme this year was "Just Believe".
Hanging decor inside Macy's famous store.
 Our The Thanksgiving Day parade was such a treat to see up close.

We braved the 29 degree temps and the vibrant crowd to see these fun floats up close!
Then we enjoyed hot soup and pastries after!

St. Patricks Cathedral under renovation
There was a lot of construction going on in the Time Square area.
 While it did make the views limited,
it did help with protecting us from the rainy weather we had one day.

We enjoyed Thanksgiving afternoon exploring the Chelsea Market area.

Famous for their Food Network studios!
We discovered an amazing italian restaurant there that was open for dinner!
Fresh homemade raviolis in gourmet fashion, 
great wine all culminating in the perfect latte!
Indeed we had much to be thankful for. 

Thank you to my wonderful Mom for joyful memories that will last a lifetime!


  1. Oh it all looks so wonderful, Aimee! I tried talking my husband into an NYC visit for the holidays but no such luck! My daughter thinks the real santa is at the nyc macy's so I really thought that would really be fun for her. I am so glad you got to visit and spend quality time with your mom and girls. Merry Christmas!

  2. Wow, what a wonderful trip! I've been to NYC at Christmas time once a few years ago and saw the Radio City show. It was amazing and I have always wanted to go back! You definitely got the most out of your time there, seeing Macy's and Chelsea Market! I was watching the parade on TV - what an experience to be there in person. I'm sure the hot soup felt good afterwards : ) What wonderful memories for you and your family! ♥

  3. sounds like a fabulous time! you did so much--love the pics, thanks, aimee, for sharing the great trip:)


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