
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

National French Onion Soup Day!

Interesting Fact:
Did you know that March 8th is National French Onion Soup Day?
Yep! It is!
It's been raining a lot here lately...and what is better 
on a cold and rainy day than a steaming hot bowl of soup?

Here's a French Onion Soup breakdown:
Delicious hot beef broth filled with warm roasted onions covered
 by a delicious melted layer of Swiss cheese 
over a crustini slice of french bread.  
It is a meal unto itself.  
Warm and satisfying.

And, if you can’t get to Paris, 
no worries – 
Mimi Cafe’s Original French Onion Soup
 is the ultimate version of this classic. 
{For just $3.99 a cup, or $5.99 for a bowl--not Parisian prices at all!}.

Interesting factoids about onions:
Did you know that onions have been known to improve immunity, 
assist in regulating blood sugar, reduce inflammation, heal infections 
and even plays a significant role in preventing cancer?  
(Just be sure you carry breath mints for after!)

Mimi's Cafe has made such wonderful changes to their menu this past year 
and this classic French Onion soup promises to deliver on flavor!

For a Mimi's near you, or to check out their menus, click here

If you don't have a Mimi's cafe near you...(sad face) 
you can check out a great step-by-step recipie I love from The Pioneer Woman below.

Have a warm and delicious French Onion Soup Day!!


  1. I had no idea March 8th was French Onion Soup Day! ♥ It's one of my most favorite soups! Let's face it, the cheese on top is the best part! Nothing like a hot bowl of soup on a cold winter day. Yum!

  2. I do love french onion soup, and had no idea march 8th was french onion soup day........when did they
    start all these food days anyway?? I have been hearing about them just the last few years since I have
    been blogging.........
    We have been to Mimi's cafe and they are wonderful, but we unfortunately don't have one real near by,
    but I make my own, and it is very good too.
    Might have to make some soon the next cool days we have.

  3. I actually love Mimi's French onion soup!


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