
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Shhh....can you hear it?

Hey..its the middle of February....where have I been?
It's time to be inspired.

And if you need a little push...{like I have lately}....
Here's a sneak peek at the wonder that is going on outside.
It's starting here in the Northern Ca...
so it should be your way soon my East Coast snowbound friends!

 Don't blink...or you will miss it!
 Soon the trees will be covered with gorgeous blossoms.
Seemingly overnight.
Only to stay a few weeks....
Don't miss it!
Here's to Spring and the energy it brings 
bursting forth from the quiet, 
seemingly dead surroundings,
in astonishing color;
A noise-less fury, 
of unabashed 
of newness!

sharing with:
Inspired Sunday at Sunday View 
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
The Scoop Party at Cedar Hill Ranch  


  1. Oooh, this post made my day! I am so looking forward to Spring! We had another snowfall yesterday. It feels like the longest winter ever! I've been daydreaming about pretty flowers and warm Spring breezes all day. Nice to know it will be here soon! ♥

  2. Pretty! The weather has been crazy here. The trees lost their leaves in January, but started to get them back a week and a half ago. It's been so warm here.


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