
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wild Summer Blackberries

We have the best of both worlds.
While we don't live in the country...
...a little bit of country is a part of our new home neighborhood community.
Just around the corner are bike trails edged with wild berries....
This past week, the berries turned beautifully ripe for the picking.
see what we were able to make...

 My youngest and I love to walk and go bravely pickin' amongst the briars.
 The plumpest always seem just out of reach...
 But the sharp barbs are worth the prize...
 Beautiful blackberries...
My youngest, {age 12 and a future Barefoot Contessa}, prepared these mini-pies.
 She likes hers plain...
 For me, a little Greek Yogurt on top... 
 Unbelievably delicious...
 the taste of blessings from summer...

I was featured!
Sunday View

sharing with:
Inspired Sunday at Sunday View 
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Before and After Party at Thrifty Decor Chic
The Scoop Party at Cedar Hill Ranch  


  1. Oh MY please tell your youngest from me that she did a very good job....these look delicious AND beautiful as well! I wish she was my neighbor! :)

  2. Oh my goodness--I sooooo miss wild blackberries. We picked and picked every summer. My mother made jelly, and I made blackberry dumplings--delicious, although not nearly as beautiful as your daughter's pies! Thank you for linking up with Sunday View.


  3. Just wanted to let you know that I featured you on Inspired Sunday at Blackberry picking WAS my summer as girl. So glad to see your daughter enjoying it!


    1. Laura! Thank you for your feature! I appreciate your sharing your memories of summer. I think that is why I had so much fun with this post...reminded me of my own summers...and I am hoping my daughter will remember the same. :o)

  4. Yum! I love blackberries and I loved picking them as a child. Your little tarts look delicious. Thanks so much for entering Transformed Tuesday.

    Peggy~PJH Designs


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