
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hanging Succulent Bird Cage

you don't necessarily need a green thumb to grow them.
If you happen to be 'forgetful' about watering them..they still love you.
My mom's green thumb is in the HD category.
  Her succulents happen to glow.
Take a look at her hanging bird cage full of beauties... 

  She has contrasted several varieties in a vintage birdcage and they just pop with color!
They look gorgeous hanging against the backdrop of the koi pond. 
She filled a short plastic dish with the succulents
 and surrounded it with the coconut filler to disguise it in the cage. 
The whole cage hangs from her canopy on her patio as a focal point.
It is just a lovely feature.

How green is your thumb?

sharing at:

Inspired Sunday at Sunday View 
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Before and After Party at Thrifty Decor Chic
The Scoop Party at Cedar Hill Ranch  


  1. I love succulents! This is such a pretty way for your mother to display hers.

  2. I love this idea! It turned out so pretty.

    Peggy~PJH Designs


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