
Monday, June 10, 2013

"Jeepers" Find

Part of the fun of decorating occurs 
when you find a piece that speaks to you when you least expect it.
This was exactly what occurred as I strolled through our local 
Re Store, (Habitat for Humanity), and saw an item that was 
clearly vintage.
The wood was beautifully worn.  
The paint, rubbed away through the years.  
What is it...?

And the wheels....I had never seen this type of metal wheel before.
 And the words: "Jeepers Creeper"...what did they mean?
What was this mysterious object used for in its past life?
For $5, I had to bring it home.

"What are you going to do with that?",  

I could already hear my family asking.  

Well, if you are like me, you just know.

I cleaned it up with orange oil and WD40.  

It looked even better.  

After some quick research, I found out that this is a vintage circa 1950-1960's mechanics cart that was used to roll under cars to do repairs, etc.  The Jeepers Creeper company is still in business today...only they make their carts out of plastic instead of wood. 

So...what am I doing with this "thing"?
Right now, it is adding a "layer" to my sitting area as a coffee table.

A place to sit and read.

A place to display some of my favorite "finds".

Inspiration can occur when you least expect it...are you ready?
Sharing at:
The Dedicated House: Make it Pretty Monday
Transformed Tuesdays at PJH Designs 


  1. Wow! The cart redo is amazing. I love the touch of semi-industrial it adds to the living room. Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. Beautiful repurposing idea! Repurposed items make a house so much more interesting, don't they? Love it! Catherine (new follower)

  3. Amy what a great discovery. It turned out fabulous. I showed it to my husband and tomorow we are heading to our Restore. Hopefully we can find something wonderful!

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  5. love it and how you've used it as a base for a fabulous vignette!!

    1. Thank you Debra for featuring me on your AMAZING blog! You made my day!

  6. What a great find! I remember those. Looks great. Thanks for joining us at Transformed Tuesday.

    Peggy~PJH Designs


Thank you for making my day and leaving a comment! :o)