
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Dads play such a special role in our lives.  
The dads in my life have been great encouragers.  
Motivating me to keep challenging myself and to do my best.

I even think I got a passion for rustic things from my pop. 
Here he made a rustic potting bench for me out of scrap lumber...

(and even followed plans from blogger Anna White!) 
(I will go into more detail in another post!)

I am thankful to my dad for teaching me so many things about life.
Mostly that you can do whatever you put your mind to.

Now that I am grown up, and blessed to be a mom to two wonderful girls, 
I am so very thankful for the dad my husband has become to them.

Happy Father's Day 
to the two favorite men in my life!

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