
Monday, April 7, 2014

Easter Centerpiece and Secret Garden

I spent the weekend enjoying the Spring-time weather.
And treasure hunting!  I found this wonderful cloche 
and it motivated me to do some sprucing up in and out of the house.

Don't you love cloches?
 I used this oversized one to feature my little bunnies on my dining room table.
 Perfect on a burlap runner.

Through the windows of my dining room you can see a little side alcove behind our house.
 I moved a bench and two urns into the space to create a secret sitting area.
{Look who found my bench in no time flat!}
These are my little trees leftover from Christmas! 
I love how they look in the urns.
 Hubby picked some "Mr. Lincoln" roses for me--our bush is in full bloom.
How I wish you could smell these!
 Have a wonderful week!

sharing with:
Inspired Sunday at Sunday View 
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House


  1. Love your centerpiece and the bench is fabulous. Such an inviting spot. No wonder the kitty loves it. I would love for you to link up to my ongoing Inspire Me party at Hope to see you there. Hugs, Marty

    1. Marty!
      Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment! I am excited to link up! Thank you for the invite! have a wonderful weekend!-aimee

  2. I love the cat on the bench. Kitty has good taste.

    1. hee hee..."pumpkin' never misses a good place to nap!-aimee


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