
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Purple Garden Haze

My favorite color as a young girl was purple.
I had to have my entire room purple.
I still love purple...especially in my outdoor rooms.
Springtime brings a wonderful purple tapestry to our yard
with Wisteria and Lavender.

The Springtime scent is heavenly. 
  The wisteria flowers only last for a couple of weeks...
And the vines are in need of constant pruning...
But the reward is breathtaking!
 Mr. Fluff even thinks so.

What colors are blooming in your outdoor rooms?
sharing with:
Inspired Sunday at Sunday View 
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House


  1. Beautiful! I love purple flowers. Yours are particularly beautiful and lush. ♡
    The purple , orange, yellow, and white flowers are blooming right now, and the ornamental grass is red.

  2. Love purple in the garden! Wisteria is so pretty, we also see it in white here in NC...such a pretty Spring bloom. As with so many, just wished the flowers didn't fade so soon. Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday...

    1. Thank you Cindy! I have not seen white beautiful it must be! xoxo

  3. My favorite color as a girl was purple too. I think it's a requirement for little girls! Love love love that wisteria. Thanks for sharing at Fridays Unfolded!


  4. What a pretty kitty! And the wisteria - sigh! Smells are heavenly as it looks! Thanks for sharing! Happy SYC!

    1. The scent is amazing. Wish I could bottle it. thanks for visiting!

  5. Wow, I am so jealous! Purple is m fav too. Wisteria is such a wonderful plant to have but I admit that I passed it up to have it in my garden because of all the work...I'm more of a lazy southern gardener....LOL The color looks amazing!

    1. You are so right. It is a tough one because when you are not looking it will send out new shoots and trailers everywhere it can! Best place for it is a trellis where you can keep it cut and shaped.

  6. Oh my Aimee, Wisteria and Lavender are two of my favorites! At my previous home I had a Wisteria tree and vine. Both were gorgeous! I haven't planted one here yet, but hope to before too long. Our youngest son bought that home so I go there to enjoy the gorgeous smell. Guess what? My bedroom was lavender when I was a teen. Loved it too! Thanks for sharing with SYC. Not much blooming here yet. Things are getting ready to pop soon.

  7. Hi Aimee, just hopping back to let you know that I will be featuring you at SYC this week.

  8. One of the finest and attractive flowers that I have seen mostly in the garden! My wife loves any lavender flowers yet, we never had one in the garden, and such flowers like yours are totally heavenly! I feel the spring!

    Sebastian Chuter


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