
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Nana's Jewel Memory Tree

Have you ever kept something long enough 
that you begin to see it through different eyes?
For example...
I remember as a little girl seeing this blue velvet, 
homemade Christmas tree in my grandmother's home every year...
and thinking that it was clever, but a little "tacky".
Now that my "Nana" is no longer with us, I was amazed
when my mom brought this very same Christmas tree "picture" 
 to our home during a visit.  
She wanted to know if I wanted it,
 or she was thinking about donating it.  
Not ready to imagine Nana's work being donated, 
I accepted it and stuck it in the back of the closet...and didn't think about again 
until a few weeks ago when I pulled it out and started really looking at it-
-and thinking of her.  
The piece is eclectic and actually quite vintageously beautiful. 
She must have made it almost 25-30 years ago...
and the jewelry is much older than that.
 For this Christmas, it sits front and center 
in my dining room in a larger, salvaged, gold frame.
I think about her hands choosing each piece. 
How she carefully re-purposed her old jewelry pieces 
into this unique Christmas tree.
I wonder who gave her the jewelry pieces...
and what memories they held for her to use them in this special way.
Nana loved crafting.  
She saved things to craft with.
She was always making felt ornaments, or potholders. 
She could crochet a million miles an hour. 
Everything was always kitch-y in color choices and style.   
And I am only now beginning to appreciate this style...
and the heritage I now realize she has passed down to me...
...a love for re-purposing old items.
I have a feeling this tree will find a place in our family decor for years to come, 
and a part of my Nana will always be with us!
sharing with:
Inspired Sunday at Sunday View 
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
The Scoop Party at Cedar Hill Ranch  


  1. Aimee, I absolutely LOVE this! I saw and pinned an idea similar to this last year and was thinking about making one with a bunch of old jewelry from my mother-in-law. I never did get around to getting it together BUT I saw another idea and decided on it instead...taking a tiny Christmas tree, adding a few lights and using the jewelry as ornaments. This is the second year I have had it up and I love it. I am in the midst of getting a post written up about it. You should certainly cherish that memory tree...and if you put it in that lovely frame or whether it was already in it, it just sets it off! Beautiful!

  2. Oh Debby Ray! Thank you for the sweet note! I love your idea about using jewelry as ornaments too! Yes, I set her framed piece inside the larger frame to really set it off. Thank you for your sweet comments! Merry Christmas!-aimee

  3. My mom has a beautiful jewelry tree that her best friend made for her 30 years ago. I am hoping that she will pass it on to me. It has many of her old jewelry pieces and pins - lots of memories! These trees are very special and meant to be passed on down in the family.

    1. Susan, thank you for your note. I have never seen any other trees like this. I had no idea...and am glad that I will have this one to pass down. Merry Christmas-aimee

  4. WOW ! It is beautiful when you really look at all the pretty items!! How creative! I am glad that you are able to enjoy it and have a special keepsake!

  5. This is beautiful, Aimee--a piece to be cherished!

  6. you are right, it is truly unique and eclectic and beautiful. how wonderful that you are now using it in your own home, it really is an heirloom piece!

  7. Oh my gosh, I love it, and you put it in such a beautiful frame, it looks perfect.
    What a lovely gift from your Mom, so glad you took would have
    really kicked yourself later............
    Cool that you have her love for repurposing things.
    Have a Merry christmas and enjoy that beautiful tree.......what a great idea that was too!
    Smart Grandmother you had there.........

    blessings, Nellie

    1. Nellie, thank you so much for your sweet message and encouragement. I am so happy to have it and my mom was so emotional at my post. I just know that I have a treasure that I will be able to pass down. Have a Merry Christmas!-aimee

  8. Aimee, I have a jewelry tree similar to yours that was my Grandmothers. When I was a little girl, I absolutely loved it and like you my mother gave it to me. My grandmother has passed away and every year when I pull out my special tree, I think of her, I love your tree and I think we are very lucky grandaughter's indeed.

    1. I would love to see your tree! I had no idea that this was a common hobby for our grandmothers day! Thank you for your sweet note! Merry Christmas!-aimee

  9. What a sweet post . Visiting from Inspired Sunday. Have a Merry Christmas..

  10. What a wonderful post, Merry Christmas and if you have a chance stop by as well


    1. Thank you Maria! Merry Christmas! I will hop on over!-aimee

  11. The jewelry tree is beautiful in sparkle and memories.

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comments! Merry Christmas!-aimee


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