
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer Chapter Celebrated

How quickly it seems to go...
Like sands through the hour glass...
{click read on for more on my summertime waxing poetic...}

So too are the days of our lives...
We took our summer up to the final day...
arriving home starting today.
We did not want to leave our summer...ever.
 Our summer was a wonderful time of rest, and
a time to get settled in our new home and our new town.
Our summer was full of visits.
We especially enjoyed visits to family near the beach.
As we close this chapter and open a new one...
I am remembering how it seems we just had the new school jitters 
three years ago when we made a move then...
And so today...we celebrated opening this new chapter...
by sharing a special treat together after school!
How is the end of your summer being celebrated?

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