
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Vintage Glass on Mirror Tray for Bathroom

What do you do when your master bath is in desperate need of a renovation 
but you have to wait to tackle the projects one at a time as budget allows?
Simple: distract with pretty sparkly objects!

I started with a vintage mirror tray.  
It had seen better days and the rust looked more like decay than rustic.
So I pulled out the Old White Annie Sloan chalk paint to spruce it up. 
Then added some vintage pressed glass containers for storage.
Pretty way to "hide" items like swabs, floss and cotton balls.
Even the hubby likes it. :o) 
The small jar is a re-purposed candle container from Anthropologie. 
Centered between the two sinks, this simple trio distracts 
from many other elements that are on the project list. 
Sparkly is nice.

Where have you employed distraction tactics in your home?

Inspired Sunday at Sunday View 
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Before and After Party at Thrifty Decor Chic
The Scoop Party at Cedar Hill Ranch  


  1. Very pretty and elegant!!!

    We did a BR ourselves, except for fixing the plumbing. There are so many tutorials and You tube videos that it is pretty straightforward; it saves, but takes longer. Lots of weekends..

    1. We are hopefully going to take it in; floor; walls; still in major planning stages. :o)

  2. Hi Aimee,
    Your tray looks lovely and glamorous......and everything put on a tray these days makes a room
    look more up to date.....I just tried some of that in my kitchen rearrange and
    we love it too.
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Sparkly is always good! I love this idea for the bathroom! Like how you did it on a thrifty budget! Thanks for sharing at TTF.


  4. What a fun post! I love pressed glass and am collecting some to do the very same thing in my bathroom. (Hadn't thought about painting the old silver plate piece white, though, hmmm....) I chucked about the distraction tactics - I'm QUEEN of those! Ha! :-)

    Thank you for linking up with Sunday View!

  5. I love sparkle, looks so pretty! I love glass containers, so nice when the function of holding q-tips and cotton balls can sparkle too!
    Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday, hope you'll hop on over to share again...


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