
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Flowers from a friend

Often it is the smallest gestures that make your day...
A warm hug, a smile...
Or a sweet bouquet that feels like an extended version of both. :)

A dear friend made these wonderful individual 
bouquets for our study group and surprised us all with a 
delicate container of Spring flowers.

Such a simple gesture, I had to share in time for Mother's Day!

She used small canning jars and wire twisted around the lip of the jar 
and then twisted to make a handle to carry it!

So much gorgeousness in one small package!  What a delight!

No matter the angle, fresh cuttings are just so pretty. 

Simply beautiful!  Thank you Bev!

(I am hoping to "share" for the first time at French Country Cottage.)
French Country Cottage


  1. i am happy this gift means so have been such a light for me the last few months. and i think of you every time i look at my scripture jar...which is near empty. i will refill it with something deliciously edible! your photos are lovely, aimee!


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