
Friday, December 24, 2010

Simple Food Pleasures

Sometimes in life we don't realize how the simplest gesture can make the most lasting impression.

who knew this canned item would be a luxury?
We have been in California for about three months now.  One of the fun things about being here is all the variety of places you can choose to go grocery shopping...there are gourmet grocery stores all over addition to a big Walmart and Super Target which were our sole "go to" stores while in Baton Rouge.  

However, one of our favorite basics has been missing from all of the wonderful store options that we took for granted while in Baton Rouge...and that is Blue Runner brand Creole Style beans.  This is one of my basic supplies for Red Beans and Rice and Jambalaya...a Louisiana staple we grew to love while there.

I was lamenting to my old neighbor that I not only was missing her, but I was missing my Red Beans and Rice....and that I could not locate these beans anywhere in town.   Well, about 4 days later, a package arrived on my door step...and in it were two cans of the precious beans!  I know she was laughing at the UPS store when they packed up the cans of 79 cent beans to send to me.  I am sure the shipping was more than all the ingredients combined that she shipped...the Tony Chacheries, and the Louisiana Tobasco....all luxuries to me now!

What Wonderful Simple pleasures!
Heaven on earth on a chilly night!
I threw all the goodies together in a crock pot last nite with some good sausage....and was heaven to eat!
Brought it over to a new friend's house to share with her family before we went to "Candy Cane Lane"..(a neighborhood all done up in lights...complete with firetruck parade!)  And introduced these Californian's to a flavor they had never experienced!  Imagine!
thank you for the simplest of gifts that gave perhaps the biggest return!  A piece of our southern home, and soul food for our tummies--our learned and loved tradition of cajun cookin!
Thank you Lord for Simple Pleasures and Forever friends who love you enough to mail a can of beans to your door! (my sweet Stacy!) 
hugs and Christmas blessings!


  1. I too am a huge fan of red and rice! There's nothing in the world like down home southern cookin'!

  2. Me like some of that red beans and rice!

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