
Friday, August 27, 2010

New beginnings....

An early morning sunrise on the road to new beginnings...
somewhere on the I-10 in New Mexico...
Every now and then in life you have the opportunity to create a new beginning...
...actually, I believe that God provides that opportunity for us each day....
On the road of life, what's behind behind you...

Sometimes when you have time to think and ponder...the simplest things take on new symbolism in life. As we drove away from our home of six years, the idea of so many memories being left behind, left me emotionally grieving for a time gone by. However, as we drove into our second day on the long narrow highway...the image of what was behind me continued to get smaller and smaller as the scenery in front of me came into view larger than life. I began to realize that if I kept focusing on what was behind me, I missed the beauty of my new surroundings in front of me....hence the idea for this blog.

  This blog begins on my journey across country, but is actually a journey about my own new beginnings--and one of being "Refreshed and Renewed" as my family and I embark on our adventure to start life over in a new town in a new state. It is my hope that my experiences will inspire you to find your own new beginning each day by refreshing and renewing your mind, body, spirit, and surroundings. 
While we will miss our home, friends and neighbors...I look forward to what lies ahead: a new home, new friends, and new experiences. I know the friends we have are not going anywhere...they will always be there, and reaching across the miles brings a renewed respect for the bonds and memories we share.

I am excited to share this new adventure with those that touched my life. My hope is that each new experience, however rough or exciting, will inspire others toward their own new beginnings and renewed life.

1 comment:

  1. And so the adventure begins. This will serve as prologue for the many transitions you and your readers experience in life. I take inspiration from your words by looking forward to what lies ahead. That's where life IS, in front of us. What lies behind is what life once was.


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